Block Buster Films is a platform that people who want to invest in films use. They promise a return on their investment as well as a name in the credits.
The website also says that you will have the opportunity to be an extra in a film and go to VIP film event.
“It has never been easier to get involved in film investment.”

If the film is successful you will get royalties for 25 years. 
Can remain anonymous if you want regardless of how much money you put in. 

Creative Europe Desk UK is another way that people can gain funding for their film through the organisation run by the European Union. They have a budget of 1.46 billion euros for funding film. 


  1. Don't forget to give this post a title.

    Is this your research from the three different website links you were provided to create your script? If so, then this isn't enough. Please make the improvements.

    Miss Crader.


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