Film Revenue and Crowd Funding

- creative tool
- need a script
- costumes
- makeup
- animal handler
- special equipment
- stunt doubles
- cameras
- security
- food
- post-production - editing, grading

How Much Do Things Cost
It needs to be clear how much everything costs
The flow of money (how the budge is distributed)
If one department needs more money, another department will have to lose some.

Crowd Funding 
The film was called Unsound.
The Kickstarter was to generate money to make the movie.
The concept took 3 weeks to develop.
Most successful crowdfunding campaigns run for 30 days.
They decided on a goal of 15,000USD.
The crowdfunding was promoted through social media sharing primarily on Facebook.

Pyramid Marketing Structure
Top of the pyramid - 1% - Creators - people who actually contribute
Middle - 9% - Will share the crowdfunding
Bottom 90% - Lurkers - who will just read the post.

Enemy Of Man
They were asking for 250,000USD
They managed to raise 255,654USD
There were 2,712 backer
The director was Vincent Regan, who was famous before the project and managed to get an A-list cast to entice people to donate.


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