Financial Constraints CASE STUDY: Reservoir Dogs

Directed: Quentin Tarantino
Producer: Lawrence Bender
Budget: 1.5 million dollars
Reservoir Dogs is Tarantinos first feature-length film.
Tarantino's original plan was to shoot the movie with his friends for $30,000. At the time he planned to fund the movie from through his job at a video store in Manhattan Beach, California.
Lawrence Bender who was to play a police officer in the film as well as produce it gave the script to his acting teacher, whose wife gave it to Harvey Kitel. Kitel liked the script so much he signed as a co-producer and helped to accumulate $1.5 million to make the film. This was important has Kitel was already established within the film industry. 
The film was shot in around Los Angeles.
 the original production company for the film was Dog Eat Dog, set up by Tarantino specifically for the film. The film was distributed by Mirror Max.
The film took a total of 33 days to film.


  1. Some interesting facts here about the films pre-production! Good job Alex.
    Miss C


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