
A specific group of people that you aim your product to appeal to.

Demographics are five areas that must be referred to when creating a product. Age, gender, race, ethnicity and social class.
For example, a Barbie doll is aimed at young white girls.
Rolex watches are aimed at older men and women (between 40-60) of a higher social class but are not targeting a specific race or ethnicity.

Mass markets are large groups of people where as niche markets are small specific markets.Image result for NRS social grade
Image result for psychographics


  1. This blog post doesn't currently have a title, so this needs to be addressed please.

    Additionally, there are many key words missing. When writing down classwork, you must ensure that you complete all tasks and write down all of the notes. Some of your blog posts lack any detail, which is going to cause you issues when you revise.
    Please go back through the target audience powerpoint and improve this blog post.

    Miss Crader


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